Rev. Philip Hunsu Ajose was born on 10th August 1932 in
Badagry town to Mr Ajose who was a strong Christian and
Co-Founder of the United Methodist African Church, Eleja
at Badagry. It was in that Church that baby Ajose was
Christened and named Philip.
He attended one of the very first Primary School in
Nigeria, St Thomas Primary School, Badagry, from 1939 to
He was admitted to the Nigeria Marine ( Nigeria Ports
Authority) for a three-year training course in
Mechanical Engineering. He graduated honorably and
obtained a certificate in internal combustion
engineering. He got employment with the E C N (N E P A)
as a station supervisor in 1951 at Ijora Power Station.
His hard work and diligence resulted in his transfer to
Benin City as superintendent in 1961,Oshogbo in 1967,
Ajure in 1970, Badagry as Superintendent District
Manager in 1971.These transfers across the country were
the prove to be the hand work of God for His purpose as
been witnessed today.
In 1976, Rev Phillip Hunsu Ajose resigned his
appointment with ECN and gave all his time and service
to his Lord and Savior During his numerous transfers
from one major outpost of the ECN to another provided
him the opportunity to establish more than 200 parishes
of C C C in Nigeria to name but a few: Benin City,
Badagry, Obenja, Warri, Sapele, Uwele, Olobo, Ole, Issau,
Auchi, Asaba, Agbor, Ubuluku, Gbanka, Ora, Sagbongida,
Afuwe, Eme-ora, Akure, Oshogbo, Ede, etc.
Rev Philip Hunsu Ajose leadership qualities, were fully
appreciated by the Prophet Pastor Founder Rev S B J
Oschoffa and was sent to oversee the affairs of Overseas
Diocese, which includes Great Britain, Europe, Canada,
and the U S A with London as base and Diocesan
After the burial of the late Pastor Rev A A Bada, the
World Committee Of Shepherd met on Monday 2nd October,
2000 and proclaimed Rev. P H Ajose as Pastor and
Spiritual Head C C C Worldwide at Celestial Holy City,
Imeko, Ogun State on 24th-25th December, 2000. After
brief illness he gave up the ghost in year 2001. May His
Gentle Soul Rest in Perfect Peace.